In my picture there is a horse, a man, and a castle. I chose to draw this story because I think that it’s really nice of him to bring the horse back to the prince, instead of selling it to someone. The picture shows him bringing back the horse to the prince, in the castle. In the story there is a man bringing a horse to the prince and asks if the horse can stay in the prince’s stable. The prince told him how when he was a child, his father had a horse that looked just like the one the man had. The horse ended up running away. The prince asked the man how he would benefit from letting the horse stay in his stable. The man simply replied, “I thought you understood, Your Highness,” the stranger said. “This is the very horse that disappeared from your fathers stable when you were a boy. I’m only bringing back something that shouldn’t have left here in the first place.”
The message of Ishmael is that there is no one right way to live. This story is important to My Ishmael because this is the story Ishmael told to Nkemi to get into the country. Before Nkemi did not let him into the country, Ishmael told him this story and Nkemi let him in. It is really important because if he did not tell him this story, he wouldn’t have ever been in this country and wouldn’t have met Julie or Ishmael.